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¿Cuándo cortar tu marihuana?

When to cut your marijuana?

Harvesting marijuana is an exciting time, but it's not the end of the road to quality weed. After harvesting, it is necessary to spend time and effort to obtain hard and tasty buds.

First, you will have to carry out the manicuring process, which consists of removing excess leaves to obtain cleaner and more visually attractive buds. Next, you need to dry the buds in a cool, dry place to remove any remaining moisture.

After drying the buds comes the curing process, which is essential to obtain a smooth and flavorful smoke. This process involves storing the dried buds in an airtight container for several weeks, opening it regularly to allow air to circulate and to release any remaining moisture.

1. Yellow Leaves

If you have noticed that the fan leaves of your marijuana plants are turning yellow, don't worry too much. Although yellow leaves can be a sign of nutritional deficiencies or health problems, it is normal for this to occur during the final flowering phase. Fan leaves are the large, wide leaves that develop during the vegetative phase and are responsible for photosynthesis. As the plant approaches harvest, these leaves may begin to yellow and fall. This is because the plant is channeling its energy towards the flowers in order to produce a greater amount of resin.

2. Trichomes

Trichomes are the small mushroom-shaped glands that produce the slimy resin in marijuana. These substances protect the plant in nature, but for growers, they are the main reason for planting marijuana. Monitoring the trichomes is an accurate way to detect if your flowers are reaching full maturity, keep in mind that when the trichome turns amber it is time to harvest.

3. The calyxes gain weight

The calyx is an important part of the cannabis flower, since it is the first to emerge from the node and houses the reproductive organs. Its main function is to offer structural support to the buds, preventing them from being torn off by strong winds or attacked by predators. As the buds mature, the calyxes swell to hold the seeds in case the plant is pollinated. If you want to keep an eye on the size of your buds, feel free to routinely observe the calyxes with a magnifying glass. This way you can enjoy a successful harvest!

4. The pistils have a darker color

Pistils are the antennae of cannabis flowers. These small hairs are responsible for fertilization and seed production. However, if you are looking for high-quality seedless buds, it is best to avoid pollination. But pistils are also useful in determining the maturity of flowers. If the pistils are still white, the flower is young. As the flower matures, the pistils darken and acquire orange and brown tones. In fact, when about 70% of the pistils have changed color, THC production is expected to reach its maximum level. But be careful! Do not trust these figures too much, as they are approximations and each plant is unique.

4. Time to manicure your flowers

Time to get to work with the manicure. It is an important step to leave your buds shiny and free of sugar leaves. But don't worry, it's not complicated at all! You only need a table, a tray, latex gloves and scissors.

You have two options to manicure your buds: before or after drying. If you choose the former, you should do it right after harvesting, while the flowers are still moist. This way you make sure to remove the sugar leaves and prevent mold from forming during drying. Just keep in mind that it can be a very sticky job, so don't forget your gloves! And if you have resin stuck on your scissors, don't waste it, take advantage of it to make some hashish!

If you prefer manicuring after drying, you will be able to enjoy more compact buds, a delight for growers! But remember, the task is the same: cut the sugar leaves while the buds are still attached to the branch or cut the buds from the branches and trim them separately. Don't forget to save your sugar leaves for future concentrates! Ready! You are now ready to manicure your buds like a true professional.

5. Dry your buds

Time to dry those beautiful flowers. The drying process is crucial to ensure that your harvest does not spoil and that you can enjoy tasty, easy-to-smoke buds. So make sure you have adequate drying space and control the temperature and humidity to achieve the best results.

Remember that drying cannabis slowly is the key to obtaining good quality. Do not rush! Patience is essential in this step. Be sure to monitor humidity and temperature with a hygrometer, and if you need to adjust them, use fans, air conditioners, heaters, or humidifiers. Do whatever it takes to keep your buds happy and healthy!

During the drying process, it is important to keep an eye on your buds. Observe how they change from day to day and touch the flowers to check their humidity level. You'll know they're ready when you try to bend the branches and they break instead of bending. That's a sign that it's time to move on to the next step and enjoy the fruits of your labor!

6. Cure your marijuana to make it smoother

Curing is very important as it helps remove any remaining moisture from the buds and at the same time breaks down the molecules that produce a harsh and unpleasant smoke. Additionally, curing gradually increases THC levels, resulting in a more potent harvest. To cure your buds, you will need airtight glass jars. Fill the jars with your buds to about 75% of their capacity, without squeezing them. Close the jars and store them in a cool, dark place. For the first week, it is important that you open the jars several times a day for a few minutes, to allow any remaining moisture to escape. During the second and third week, you will be able to open the jars only once a day, as the humidity of the buds will have dropped significantly. After three weeks, your flowers will be ready to be smoked, with an optimal flavor and effect. If you are a patient grower, you can extend the curing process up to eight weeks to maximize the flavor and potency of your buds. Remember that if you plan to store your buds for a long period of time, you can cure them for more than six months without damaging the product. So don't hesitate to cure your buds and enjoy the best smoking experience! 

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