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Formas efectivas de eliminar el olor de tu cultivo - GROW 1NDUSTRY

Effective ways to eliminate odor from your crop

Sometimes, crops can cause annoying and uncomfortable odors, especially if they are indoor plantations and, especially, if we want to maintain a certain level of intimacy and privacy regarding the harvest, as in the case of crop plants. luck. In this case, it is essential to have a good odor elimination system that acts effectively to avoid surprises and complicated situations. Today we tell you how to eliminate the smell of a crop, whether indoors or outdoors.

There are different methods to eliminate odors from crops, some homemade and traditional and others, more elaborate and expensive. As in almost anything, the first thing is to analyze the situation, detect the needs and plan the action to be carried out to take into account the roads, both physical and economic.

Keys to eliminate odor in your crop

In the case of indoor crops, their most frequent and widespread use is to prevent the spread of odors, since the rest of indoor crops hardly emit them, at least their spread cannot cause problems for their owners.

In the case of clovers, one of their main and most unmistakable characteristics is their aroma. Something that is not It usually poses no problem for those who grow it. But it can cause real headaches if neighbors or passersby notice it. Especially if they are plantations of considerable size.

There are several methods to eliminate the smell of a crop, which is what we want to talk to you about today. Some are homemade and traditional solutions, which are usually very simple and do not harm crops. Although sometimes its effectiveness is not as high as needed.

- Home remedies

There are mainly three home remedies to eliminate the smell of a crop.

For example, you can place a container with vinegar in the growing area. If it is inside a room it will have to be larger, if it is inside a closet, a glass will be enough. The strong smell of this perfectly camouflages other odors. Of course, you must keep in mind that it should be replaced every 3 days at most, since it loses its properties and is no longer effective.

Another home remedy is to use lemons and cloves. It is simple, economical and practical, since you only have to cut a lemon in half and stick a few cloves in it. But it is important to keep in mind that, as in the case of vinegar, they must be changed every 2-3 days to prevent the lemon from drying out and the remedy losing its effectiveness.

There are people who also choose to use scented candles or even incense, since the intensity of their smell is effective in masking odors, although they do not eliminate or absorb them.

Now we are going to talk about other more effective methods to eliminate the smell of a crop, although not homemade methods, but professional ones. You can buy all of them in our crop odor treatment section .

-Active carbon filters

It is the method to eliminate the smell of a crop most used by the most expert growers in the field. In fact, for many it becomes essential when planting indoors.

The Active carbon filters prevent the aroma of the plants from going outside through the ventilation systems. But it is necessary to keep in mind that, for these to work correctly, they must be connected to a tubular air extractor appropriate to their capacity.

Choosing the right filter for each plantation will depend on various factors, such as the size of the room, the number of crops, etc. Obviously, the larger the plantation, the more powerful the filter must be.

-Ozone generator or ozonator

The Ozone generators are tools to eliminate the odor of a crop by generating ozone. There are different models on the market with a wide range of prices, depending on size and capacity.

There are two types of ozonators: those that distribute ozone from the inside and those that are installed in the air extraction tube and purify it before extracting it outside. With both, it is essential to take extreme precautions, since breathing ozone in large quantities can be harmful to health.

In some plantations the use of ozone generators is combined with the installation of carbon filters to guarantee a better result.

-Air fresheners

The Air fresheners are perhaps the simplest method to eliminate the smell of an indoor grow. In the market you can even find some specific ones to hide the smell coming from the lucky plants, both in spray and gel format.

Another solution is to use essential oils, normally applied through spray dispensers, since, as they have strong odors, they are usually able to camouflage the odors of crops, especially those of clovers.

Zero odor in your outdoor cultivation

In outdoor crops, the techniques we have talked about for indoor areas are not usually effective. This is because we encounter the wind factor. When it changes direction, it spreads odors in a way that is more difficult to control. The wind can be an ally and friend depending on the conditions, since it can both drive away the smell and attract it to the area where we do not want it to spread.

It is also recommended and bear in mind that, if you are going to plant clovers in an outdoor area, choose, if possible, a variety of the least odorous. It won't solve the problem entirely, but it will help mitigate it, at least in part.

-Grow aromatic plants

One of the most effective ways to stop, control and eliminate the smell of an outdoor crop is by planting aromatic plants around them. Some varieties, such as thyme, lavender, mint or peppermint, are very effective in camouflaging the odors of plantations, since they give off a very powerful aroma that usually stands out from the rest.

The cultivation of aromatic plants is doubly beneficial in this case. The reason is that, in addition to camouflaging odors, it allows you to keep people away from the crop. the most common pests . This is mainly because aromatic plants attract many predatory species, such as ladybugs, which are of great help in combating dangerous pests.

We hope that our tips and tricks for eliminating crop odors have been useful to you. See you soon!

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