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  • X-Seed from BAC

    Original price 6,45 € - Original price 321,90 €
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    6,45 € - 321,90 €
    6,45 € - 321,90 €
    Current price 6,45 €

    X-Seed: Improving rooting and early growth in horticulture X-Seed is a plant derived product designed to improve rooting and early growth in hor...

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    Original price 6,45 € - Original price 321,90 €
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    6,45 € - 321,90 €
    6,45 € - 321,90 €
    Current price 6,45 €

Liquid Fertilizers for Plants

Liquid fertilizers are an essential tool for gardeners and farmers looking to provide their plants with the nutrients necessary for healthy, vigorous growth. Its popularity is due to its convenience and effectiveness in delivering nutrients directly to the roots of plants.

What is a liquid fertilizer?

A liquid fertilizer is a solution of essential nutrients dissolved in water, designed to be easily absorbed by plants through their roots. These nutrients can include macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micronutrients such as iron, manganese, and zinc. Liquid fertilizers are usually available in concentrated form and are diluted with water before application.

Advantages of liquid fertilizer

The use of liquid fertilizer in cannabis cultivation offers a series of significant advantages:

  • Rapid absorption : Nutrients in liquid form are easily absorbed by plant roots, allowing for rapid assimilation and vigorous growth.
  • Precise control : The concentration of nutrients in the liquid fertilizer can be precisely adjusted, allowing growers to provide their plants with the exact amount of nutrients needed at each stage of growth.
  • Application Versatility : Liquid fertilizers can be applied in a variety of ways, including direct soil irrigation, foliar application, and drip irrigation, providing flexibility to adapt to different growing systems.
  • Greater availability of nutrients : Being in liquid form, nutrients are easily available to plant roots, maximizing their absorption and utilization for optimal growth.
  • Lower risk of burns : Because the nutrients are dissolved in water, there is less risk of burns to plant roots, which can occur with poorly applied solid fertilizers.

Using liquid fertilizer offers a convenient, precise and effective way to provide cannabis plants with the nutrients necessary for healthy growth and abundant production.

How to apply liquid fertilizer when growing cannabis

Proper application of liquid fertilizer when growing cannabis is crucial to ensure healthy growth and optimal production. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Preparation of the solution : Dilute the liquid fertilizer according to the manufacturer's instructions and depending on the specific needs of your plants and the growing medium. It is important to accurately measure the amount of fertilizer and water to avoid overfeeding or underfeeding.
  • Timing of application : Most liquid fertilizers are applied during regular watering of plants. You can add the fertilizer to the irrigation water according to the manufacturer's recommendations and water the plants as usual. You can also opt for foliar applications if you prefer.
  • Application Frequency : Follow the manufacturer's recommended fertilization schedule, which generally includes specific application frequencies for each stage of plant growth. This can range from daily to weekly applications, depending on your plants' needs.
  • Avoid overapplication : It is important not to overfeed your plants with liquid fertilizer, as this can cause root burns and other health problems. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and closely monitor your plants' response to adjust the dosage if necessary.
  • pH Control : Check and adjust the pH of the liquid fertilizer solution before applying it to your plants. The optimal pH range for cannabis is between 6 and 7 in soilless growing media and between 5.5 and 6.5 in soil substrates.

By following these steps and paying attention to your plants' specific needs, you will be able to apply liquid fertilizer effectively and maximize the growth and health of your cannabis plants.

Another issue that must be taken into account is how much liquid fertilizer to apply to a cannabis plant . The amount may vary depending on the growth stage, concentration of the solution, frequency of application and close observation of the plants. It is important to take into account the specific indications of the product used and adjust the dose based on the individual needs of each plant.

What is the best liquid fertilizer?

Choosing the best liquid fertilizer depends on several factors, such as the type of crop, the specific needs of the plants, and the grower's preferences. Some of the most popular and well-rated liquid fertilizers in cannabis cultivation include brands such as Advanced Nutrients, BioBizz, Canna. Below we present some of the fertilizers recommended by Grow Industry :

Biobizz Fertilizers

Biobizz is known for its organic and environmentally friendly approach to the production of liquid fertilizers for growing marijuana. Biobizz Bio Bloom is highly recommended by growers for its ability to stimulate lush, high-quality flowering. Biobizz Bio Bloom 's unique formula provides plants with all the nutrients necessary for optimal development during the flowering stage.

Atami Fertilizers

Atami offers a wide range of liquid fertilizers specifically designed to meet the needs of marijuana plants at each stage of their life cycle.

Top Crop Fertilizers

Top Crop liquid fertilizers are known for their ease of use and high concentration of nutrients. One of its star products is Top Crop Top Veg , a fertilizer designed for the vegetative phase of marijuana plants. With a balanced formulation of macro and micronutrients, Top Veg stimulates vigorous plant growth, preparing them for healthy flowering.

Metrop Fertilizers

Metrop stands out for offering high-quality liquid fertilizers that guarantee healthy growth and abundant flowering. MR1 Metrop is especially popular among growers for its ability to provide all the essential nutrients that marijuana plants need during their life cycle. This high-quality liquid fertilizer is a reliable option for those looking for consistent, high-quality results in their crop.

Athena Fertilizers

Athena offers a line of highly concentrated liquid fertilizers, designed to maximize the performance of marijuana plants. Athena Pro Core is widely recognized for its ability to provide all the essential nutrients plants need for optimal growth. With a balanced and easy-to-use formulation, Pro Core is an excellent choice for growers of all experience levels.

Cannabiogen Fertilizers

Cannabiogen liquid fertilizers are designed to improve crop quality and increase the yield of marijuana plants. Delta 9 Cannabiogen is highly appreciated for its ability to stimulate the formation of dense, resinous buds. With a unique combination of nutrients and minerals, Delta 9 promotes healthy growth and lush flowering, ensuring abundant, high-quality harvests.

Plagron Fertilizers

Plagron offers a wide range of liquid fertilizers designed to promote healthy growth and abundant flowering in marijuana plants. Terra Bloom Plagron is especially popular among growers for its ability to stimulate the formation of dense, aromatic buds. With a balanced formula of essential nutrients, Terra Bloom guarantees optimal results with each harvest.

Canna Fertilizers

Canna liquid fertilizers are known for their quality and effectiveness in growing marijuana. PK 13 14 Canna is highly recommended for its ability to stimulate flowering and promote the formation of dense, resinous buds. With a unique formulation of phosphorus and potassium, PK 13/14 guarantees healthy flowering and an abundant harvest in every crop.

Aptus Fertilizers

Aptus offers a line of liquid fertilizers designed to improve the health and performance of marijuana plants. Their Aptus Startbooster is widely recognized for its ability to stimulate rapid root development and increase nutrient absorption. With a unique combination of active ingredients, Startbooster promotes vigorous and healthy growth from the earliest stages of cultivation.

HESI Fertilizers

HESI provides high-quality, balanced liquid fertilizers for growing marijuana. Its Hesi TNT Complex or Hesi TNT Complex is especially known for its ability to stimulate vigorous vegetative growth and healthy plant structure. With a balanced formula of essential nutrients, TNT Complex guarantees optimal results at every stage of cultivation.

Emerald Harvest Fertilizers

Emerald Harvest offers a range of premium quality liquid fertilizers for growing marijuana. Their products are designed to provide plants with all the essential nutrients they need for healthy growth and abundant flowering. With a balanced formulation of macro and micronutrients, Emerald Harvest liquid fertilizers ensure consistent, high-quality results every harvest.

Shogun Fertilizers

Shogun liquid fertilizers are formulated to provide marijuana plants with all the essential nutrients they need for healthy growth and abundant flowering. Katana Roots is especially recommended for its ability to stimulate root development and increase nutrient absorption. With a unique combination of active ingredients, Katana Roots promotes vigorous growth and healthy plant structure.

BAC Fertilizers

BAC offers a line of high-quality liquid fertilizers for growing marijuana. XSeed BAC is especially known for its ability to stimulate seed germination and promote healthy growth from the start. With a balanced formula of essential nutrients, XSeed guarantees strong root development and vigorous growth in the early stages of cultivation.

Mills Fertilizers

Mills provides a range of highly concentrated, easy-to-use liquid fertilizers for growing marijuana. C4 Mills is especially recommended for its ability to promote vigorous growth and abundant flowering. With a balanced formulation of essential nutrients, C4 guarantees optimal results at every stage of the crop.

GHE Terra Aquatica

GHE Terra Aquatica offers a line of liquid fertilizers designed to meet the specific needs of marijuana plants.