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Green LED Bulb

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Green Led Light

LED lights, all designed to emit a low-power, dim green light . Additionally, these lights are energy efficient , which will allow you to save on electricity costs.

In summary, night lighting is essential for the development of our crops. Green light is less intense and less disruptive without interfering with the light cycle of our plants. That is why in our catalog we offer you a wide variety of green light bulbs, ideal for illuminating your crops at night without interrupting the life cycle of the plants or stressing them.
Additionally, we offer energy-efficient LED lights.

Hands-free night flashlights

If you want to water your plants at night, now you can use our flashlights with green LED light . They are usually "hands-free" head-mounted devices so you can handle plants without worrying about holding the flashlight.

LED night lamps

Our LED night bulbs will emit undetectable light waves for the crop . If you are one of the growers who does not have time to attend to your plants during daylight hours, now you can count on these fabulous LED bulbs to work with your crop at night.

LED night spotlights

With the LED night spotlights , you can work on your crop without stressing your plants. These are very practical night lights of very good quality, so we assure you that you will be able to get great benefit from them. Now you will no longer have to wait for sunny hours to be able to work with your plants.

In short, if you want to work on your crop during the night, our LED flashlights, lamps and night spotlights will be an excellent option. These devices emit a low-power green light and are ideal for watering your plants, manipulating them or illuminating your crop without interrupting the plants' life cycle. With these tools you will be able to get the most out of your crop, regardless of the schedule in which you decide to work.